
Tan prepare

Taking care of your skin should be a constant concern, however, it is necessary to understand that during summer there are special measures you must take into account to obtain the much-desired golden and uniform tan. In this sense, we recommend that you tan prepare your skin.
How can I tan prepare?
In short, 15 days before going to the beach start to prepare your skin for a faster, more intense, and longer-lasting tan. To do so use tan enhancer capsules 15 days before starting going to the beach. The capsules should be taken up to 15 days after the end of sun exposure.

In addition, although it is a routine to adopt during all seasons of the year, we remind you of the importance of exfoliating your skin to get a long-lasting, beautiful, healthy, and even tan. You should do it once or twice a week. This step is essential for those who want an even tan since the exfoliating removes dead cells that throughout the day are formed on our skin. As a result, the surface becomes clean and toned, and more prone to retain the sun’s melanin.

Browse the different Tan prepare options and choose the care that best suits your needs.

If you need it, a specialized beauty team is at your disposal and will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us!

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