

Beloved by beauty influencers, contouring has quickly become a trend that’s here to stay. And it’s easy to know why this contrasting look elevates anything from the simplest to the most sophisticated makeup by taking advantage of your natural beauty. 
What is contouring?
In short, it is a make-up technique used to define, highlight as well as sculpt the structure of the face and bust.

More specifically, the application of two distinct colors will show a defined face as well as a flawless look. 
Where should I apply each color? 
Between the shadow areas (the sides of the nose, for example) a bronzer or specific products for contouring should be applied one or two times darker than your natural skin tone. In light areas, such as cheekbones, you should apply a concealer. This will serve as a perfect base for any kind of makeup.
How is it done? 
It is true that it probably won’t look perfect the first time (if so, congratulations, you are a master of makeup), however, practice will lead to contouring mastery. We give you some tips to make this moment easier:

Immediately after applying foundation, place bronzer from the temples to the jawline, on the side of the nose, as well as in the hollow of the cheeks and on the front hairline. 
Next, apply concealer/illuminator on the chin, on top of the upper lip, the area over the cheekbones, and under the eyebrows.
Finally, blend using an appropriate brush and apply a little blush. 


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